Creating Loyal Customers Through Face-to-Face Marketing

How can a company create a loyal customer? This is the question that people have been asking for years and year. Over time there have been many advances in the way of business and business philosophy, which have made for new and creative ways for creating loyal customers. From customer give back programs, charitable causes, email marketing, and BOGO sales, there seems to be no end to the ideas companies have come up with to turn a one-time sale into a loyal lifetime customer. One of the simplest ways to create loyalty with shoppers is to simply listen to what they have to say about your product when it is being sold. As you probably know, we here at Smart Circle are all about face-to-face marketing and that is because it can change not just the outcome of a products chance to succeed, but also the way the public feels about it.

Customers will tell you how they feel about your product
Being a face-to-face marketer, it is up to you to be the representation of the product you are selling and the company you represent. As a face-to-face marketer you get to hear client feedback all day long and if it is not what you hope, you can change your presentation accordingly. More importantly, you can pass this information onto people who might have a say in how the product is created, priced, and sold. You have the ability to make a huge difference in a product’s life cycle by understanding how the customer really feels about your product! By listening and addressing concerns that a customer might have about a product or service, you can help shape their overall idea of the item you are selling. This will open up the opportunity to sell a product and create a lifetime customer.

When you listen and address concerns that a customer has, you are making an active decision to make them the center of attention. This is one of the best ways to create customer loyalty. According to an article on Forbes, the author My Say says that this is the only way to create lasting customer loyalty. “What you need is to appropriately direct your resources and your employees to a framework that can dependably, repeatably satisfy your customers.” Spending resources on face-to-face marketers who can address concerns directly will have a lasting effect on your brand’s loyalty.

Happy customers are repeat customers
You can gauge your success in creating loyal customers by the feedback you are currently getting from your existing customers. If what you are hearing is positive overall, the customer is more likely to come back to buy more from you or your company. Not to mention the added bonus of sharing the experience with their friends and family through word of mouth both in person and through online interactions.

When speaking to your customers, focus in on what it is about your product that’s going to make them happy. These are often referred to in sales as pain points. What can you do for them? Give them a reason to have a positive experience with you and the product. The surest sign of success in face-to-face sales is when people search you out to see what you’ve got next. They’ve had a fantastic experience with you before and are willing to try your product again. This is how a face-to-face marketer can create loyal customers who will return again and again.

Smart Circle. Smart Sales. Smart Opportunity.
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