Smart Circle Celebrates Female Entrepreneurs

Young Female Entrepreneurs Learn Tips for Lasting Sales Success

As Girl Scout cookie season ramps up, Smart Circle welcomed two local Girl Scout troops from Irvine, California, for a fun-filled demonstration of successful face to face marketing practices.

Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. is a continued leader in developing a foundation for young girls to grow into confident, successful adults. Cookie selling builds an entrepreneurial spirit that similarly forms the basis of Smart Circle’s sales model.

Office Tour

The afternoon began with a tour of the Newport Beach office and an explanation of how each department works toward making Smart Circle a leader in face-to-face marketing. The Girl Scouts also received goodie bags that contained items like sunglasses, badges, and pens.

Following the tour, the two troops settled into the second-floor theatre for a short presentation. The presentation began by discussing the power of female entrepreneurship. More than 50% of female American business owners are Girl Scout alums!

Face-to-Face Marketing Tips

This week marked the beginning of the Girl Scout troop’s local sales booth campaign. It was a perfect opportunity for Smart Circle to share its celebrated face-to-face marketing expertise with a generation of young female entrepreneurs. The girl scout troops actively listened to sales tips to help drive results, including:

  • Know Your Product: Familiarize yourself with each cookie variety
  • Set A Sales Goal: Have a goal and work each day toward achieving it
  • Master Your Sales Pitch: Know your customers and promote your plan for cookie sales
  • Build Your Network: Use the people you know to expand your business network.

Of course, the visit was not complete without sampling the product! All employees received boxes of Girl Scout cookies courtesy of Smart Circle. The two troops also sold additional boxes to employees. All proceeds for cookie sales help to fund local Girl Scout programs such as STEM, outdoor recreation, leadership workshops, and other events for the two troops.

With face-to-face marketing as the central theme, Smart Circle once more displayed its commitment to the community at large. There is no wonder why Smart Circle remains a top Orange County workplace!

Head over to to check out our, “What is your favorite Girl Scout Cookie?”

Smart Circle Employee Girl Scout Cookies