What is Smart Circle? Smart Circle is a worldwide leader in face-to-face marketing and direct and outsourced sales. We provide successful sales and marketing solutions for our clients, which include Fortune 500 companies, nationally recognized brands, and regional and local businesses. Smart Circle harnesses the power of the Smart Circle Sales Network, composed of independently owned and operated corporate distributors, and their respective sales representatives. Smart Circle can execute customized face-to-face sales and marketing across multiple channels nationwide with the nationwide reach and size of the sales network.
Smart Circle Mission
Smart Circle strives to create meaningful opportunities for growth. Growth for clients and growth for independent sales companies within the Smart Circle sales network.
Independent Corporate Distributor (ICD)
Each Smart Circle ICD is a separate company that is owned and operated by someone who was formerly a sales representative with another ICD in the Smart Circle Sales Network. This way, each ICD owner has hands-on field experience with client and program requirements.
Not all sales representatives become owners of an independent corporate distributor for Smart Circle. Every individual that does become an ICD owner has a different journey in terms of time and path, and some ICD owners may find it is not for them. Owning your own business, in any field, is difficult and requires hard work, and may not be right for everyone. However, most individuals who become an ICD owner will tell you that the opportunity is unique and that the journey has been professionally satisfying and worthwhile.
Each ICD independently determines whether or not he or she wants to participate in any specific Smart Circle program. Once an ICD elects to participate in a Smart Circle program, the ICD commits to meeting all client and Smart Circle program compliance requirements. ICDs work with their respective sales representatives to ensure that they are well-equipped to help each Smart Circle client achieve its sales goals and to ensure that the sales program completed in line with our rigorous standards.
Sales Representative within the Smart Circle Sales Network
Sales Representatives retained by ICDs are also part of the Smart Circle Sales Network. Each sales representative receives training, mentoring, and coaching as deemed appropriate by the individual ICD, to ensure that each sales representative has the knowledge and tools to help make each Smart Circle program a success. As entrepreneurial-minded people, these individuals create opportunities for their success, and by doing so, drive growth for our clients as well.
Face-To-Face Marketing, What is this?
Face-to-Face marketing is the art of marketing and building relationships in person. For years the advertising world has advanced to reach consumers over the radio, via email, on television, on social media platforms. As a result, our society has become inundated with so much advertisement that consumers start ignoring ads, deleting emails, and forwarding through commercials.
Brands are searching for ways to stay relevant and in front of consumers. The solution that Smart Circle offers, any size business, is the ability to have professional brand ambassadors taking your brand into retailers, door-to-door canvassing, or business-to-business?
Face-to-Face marketing offers a unique ability for consumers to create a relationship with your brand’s experts. The consumer can have their questions or concerns answered in real-time. These brand experts are professional listeners that work to understand the consumer’s problem and find a way for your product or service to relieve them of that problem.
These sales representatives become your brand’s greatest ambassadors and assets. They spend time focused on product knowledge, your company’s brand, and brand guidelines, as well as the art of sales pitching. With this combination of sales expertise and experience, your product or service is sure to be at the forefront of consumers’ minds.
For more information about direct sales and marketing, check out our previous blog, The Value Of Face-To-Face Marketing.