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What is the Differences Between Sales And Marketing

What Are the Differences Between Sales And Marketing?

Every company, regardless of whether it sells a product or a service, needs both, sales and marketing, to function properly. So many people live under the impression that these two are the same thing. In reality, sales and marketing are very different. In this article, we are going to dive deep into the things that set them apart from each other!

Importance Of Face-to-Face Marketing For Future

What is the importance of face-to-face marketing for future businesses?

In the age of digital technology, business owners are so busy diving into digital marketing platforms that they forget one of the most effective marketing strategies, which is face-to-face marketing. But the value of face-to-face marketing has grown in popularity, as a way to connect with your consumers and build brand relationships.

Why Face to Face Marketing Advantages Increase Customer Acquisition?

Products and service providers work like crazy to perfect their brand. Then they hand years of hard work over to a marketer to spread the word. With so many options available, online ads, TV, billboards, why do so many companies choose face to face marketing advantages to increase customer acquisitions?

Happy Labor Day From Smart Circle

Heart Felt Thanks on This Extraordinary Labor Day Labor Day always marks the end of summer and the beginning of the last few months of

Excelling At Your Roadmap To Success

What is it you are after in life? Outward success? Financial independence? Job/life satisfaction? We all know that to reach a destination, we cannot just