Smart Circle

What is Smart Circle?

What is Smart Circle? Smart Circle is a worldwide leader in face-to-face marketing, and direct and outsourced sales. We provide successful sales and marketing solutions

Business Conference Preparedness

A new year means that business conferences are starting to fill many of our calendars.   You may be a veteran attendee or this may be

Giving Back with Thanks

There are so many great things about being an entrepreneur. You get to decide how far and how fast you want to push yourself every

Books Every Leader Should Read

Leaders and entrepreneurs read to get inspired and informed. They read to help themselves navigate situations and conversations and to hopefully save themselves from making

There Is No Substitute For Hard Work

Ever wonder exactly what the difference is between your average salesperson and stellar salespeople? It’s probably a lot simpler than you think. Success in sales

The Many Benefits of In-Store Demos

Educating the masses about a product is often the key to selling success. With so many different ways to market a product like TV ads, billboards,